Permission to relax and let go to destiny. Tarot & Tea, Seven of Water
This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it.
We’ve done our best. It’s time to stop worrying about or trying to control the outcome. We now need to give ourselves permission to allow life to flow.
Allow the influence of Seven of Water to move you through today. Go with the flow. It’s time to ‘let go and let god’ (or the Great Goodness, the term I like to use for god, goddess, creator, etc.) guide you to the next step.
You’ve asked for help, maybe even broken down and cried as you’ve prayed for things to happen. Now, it’s time to step back and allow the hidden helping hands behind the scenes, to take over. Relax into the arms of the Goddess and breathe deeply.
The way things are is the way things are. When we accept that, we set ourselves free. Not in a blind acceptance, but in a way that has us honor the present.
Of course, this only works if we’ve done our best. Which we have. Don’t look back and second guess. Turn up, show up and keep on trucking. But allow yourself the gentleness of flow.
Close your eyes. Relax your body. Feel your feet on the flow. Inhale deeply. Hold for a moment, and then exhale. Focus on the exhalation. Often we get so caught up in deep breathing on the inhalation. Today, in meditation, take time to change things up and focus on your exhalation. Breathe out through your feet and into the earth.
Breath out through your crown and into the heavens. Allow yourself to trust that things are working out as they are meant to.
Permission to relax granted.
This so resonates with me today, as I sit and sip a lovely cup of English Breakfast tea. (A traditional tea, with rich taste and aroma.) I took the weekend off, and the emails have piled up. Requests from students. Volunteer commitments. Client appointments. Family travails. Have I taken on too much this week? Am I expecting too much of myself? I think so. Seven of Water gives me permission to flow and do what I can. The rest will take care of itself.
Yes, I’ll have another cup of tea, my comfort ritual. I’ll organize my day, and I’ll do my best.
Join me. We give ourselves permission to flow today, gently and with grace.
Bright blessings,
Thank you to Ravynne Phelan for permission to use her Dreams of Gaia Tarot
Tarot is a tool I use to help people to connect to their Inner Wisdom. Click to check out the options.
Fancy some English Breakfast tea? A traditional tea with a rich taste and aroma. I like mine with a splash of milk. This is today’s recommendation:
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