Beginnings and endings merge as we find inner peace, contentment and grace. Tarot & Tea, Ten of Water
This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it.
Hug yourself for all you’re worth. You’ve come through a time of change and healing, and a new you emerges. Emotions that have overcome and swamped us, gently release and we acknowledge our power to react to that around us. Or quite simply, to act from our inner core of peace and spirit.
We are all one with the Great Goodness. But, it’s tough staying in grace. So many outside influences. We look up and see fear, anger, darkness and the sense of never being good enough. Today, Ten of Water brings a blanket of love for us to wrap around ourselves, and those we connect with on our journey through life.
Sometimes it hard to see that new ‘you’ in the mirror. It’s not an outer change, its an inner change. As each layer of the healing onion peels, we have a deepening sense of love dwelling at the very core of our being. Whether new to the knowledge of a healing journey, or many years on the path, we embrace a sense of wholeness and connection today.
Allow this positive state of being to influence you today. Not swept along by deep emotional currents, we rest in the emotional swirls, knowing that we can choose to act or react, or just stay peaceful and calm.
That’s grace in action.
Find some time today to do something that nourishes this aspect of your being. Pop into church for a prayer. Light a candle. Cuddle a pet or loved one. Talk to the trees. Meditate, contemplate, pray. Gift your time or money to something worthwhile, with an open and loving heart. Do something that deepens your connection with spirit, the Great Goodness and with grace.
What will it be? Take a moment, a deep, healing breath and share with us. Be an inspiration.
Sipping Earl Grey tea this morning. A later start today, as I fell back into a deep healing sleep. Angels on my pillows? You bet! Light, uplifting citrus from the bergamot and delish, comforting and familiar black tea. Just perfect for a day of grace. (Link below for you to get my current fave.)
Count your blessings. Lift your heart to the Great Goodness. Be kind to you and let that kindness sill out to those around you. May the spirit of grace guide you today.
Much love,
I help people connect to their Inner Wisdom and Put the Magic Back into their Lives. Click to start to Live Your Fabulous Life Today
Thank you to Ravynne Phelan for permission to use her Dreams of Gaia Tarot
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