I’m committed to making holistic health & wellness super easy for you: Myth busting and simplifying so everyone can understand and learn. Including more self-care and useable info to turn fear to love through releasing anxiety and depression.
Check out today’s Recipe for more joy and less stress.
Do you have a bed-time routine?
I don’t mean chucking your clothes on the floor and crashing face-first down onto the bed each night.
I mean a nurturing, loving and sleep reinforcing bedtime routine.
Recent studies (oh yes, I do love those studies) show that most of us aren’t getting enough sleep. Even though we may be in bed for 8 hours, we just aren’t getting the quality we need.
And we’re all different, some of us need more or less than the prescribed 8 hours. But if it’s 10 or 6, and it isn’t good quality, we are heading for less productivity during the day.
Which includes more coffee spills, more driving accidents, less focus at work and even those moments of ‘dear god, I left the kid in the back of the car!’
Now I’ve got you scared, here’s how to solve the problem.
Develop a bedtime routine.
One that enhances peace and quiet, leading to calm and quality sleep.
Where to begin: Here goes…
No TV in the bedroom, No laptop, No phone in bed. Take out the outer stimulus.
Make sure your bed is comfy. I lean towards a firmer mattress, and then super soft comfy-womfy pillows and comforter. And I like cotton. Get to know what you like and make-it-so.
Yes to herb tea. No to a glass of wine. Sorry, the wine might help you go down, but it will wake you later. And chamomile is one of the best. Small teacup full, so you don’t have to wake to pee.
Say a little prayer. Or meditate. I consciously give it all up to the Great Goodness myself. But I have clients who like to listen to my MP3s or CDs (available here) and go to bed with me each night! And giggle about it.
Let go of the day’s worries. And if you do wake-up, start your routine again. You’ll quickly program yourself into falling back to sleep.
Oh yes, and one other thing…sexy time.
We all have bodies and we all deserve to feel good. Make sure you have some room in your bedtime routine for a little adult pleasure. Guaranteed to help you sleep better.
So, lovely, my challenge for you this week, is to make a bedtime routine. Write it down on a post-it and pop it on the bathroom mirror where you’ll see it each evening. Until it’s a habit.
(I do know this can be a challenge, so if you need some help, please reach out.
Stay tuned, Share with your friends, and most importantly,
Stay fabulous,
Feeling Absolutely Fabulous LLC
Founder, School of Complementary Therapies
[…] (More about a bedtime routine, click here.) […]