My mission is to empower people to sparkle: to take responsibility for our lives, to embrace the magic in every day, to love and be loved, to find inner peace and radiate joy.
Topped with a big sprinkle of self-esteem, self-worth and general loveliness.
And, of course, to learn to choose Feeling Absolutely Fabulous!
Phew! A big task, but I’m armed and ready.
I’m Jacqueline Fairbrass, lover of tea, a Brit now living in sunny Portugal, with a heart of gold and a big, giant brain full of holistic health + wellness education.
And I’m on a mission…
So, here’s the scoop: We are not the number in our clothes or on the bathroom scales. Nor are merely the product of childhood and life experiences.
We’re also not just the many ‘hats’ we don in a day: wife, mother, daughter, worker, lover, etc.
And we are most certainly not the messages that society, culture + media bash us with daily!
Quite simply, we are spirit beings having a human experience.
And this sums up my philosophy on life, love + being on this beautiful planet.
We have a body, which we need to love, cherish + nourish.
And a powerful mind that needs to be loved, nurtured + explored.
We have emotions, which cry out to be loved + honored, not squashed + repressed. Yes, all of them!
Oh yes, + we are spirit. The magical, loving part of us that connects to the ‘all-that-is’.
Our health + well-being is Holistic. That is, taking into account body, mind, emotions + spirit. We can only sparkle when we acknowledge and accept all of our parts: body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Did I mention love? Oh yes, I did. Until we fall in love with ourselves, we can’t expect anyone else to. Love is key to sparkle, to joy, to happiness, to everything.
I live, breathe, teach and coach, and show up in life with integrity, honesty, love and laughter. I Choose Happy and Healthy! And I’m on a Mission to help you too.
Living a holistic lifestyle is so not about green smoothies + wearing the right yoga pants. (Honestly, I don’t even know how this snuck up on us.) It’s about embracing all of you.
So, what can I do for you? I’m your best coach and mentor. Here’s a quick look at how I got here:
In the early 70’s I stumbled across yoga + meditation. My family was totally chaotic and dysfunctional + I found lying on the floor, breathing deeply + gently stretching my body brought immense relief from the stress. Instant, in the moment kinda relief. So, I did it a lot. And eventually, I learned how to teach it. I’m a certified instructor in Gemini New Age Yoga and Kundalini Yoga.
By the early 80’s I was into Reflexology and Massage. So then I learned how to become a practitioner, certified in Aromatherapy massage + I have more that half a dozen certifications in Reflexology. And in 1995, I went on to open a school to teach others how to become Aromatherapists and Reflexologists.
In the early 90’s I opened a private clinical practice, seeing clients from all walks of life.
I became a Reiki Master and added that to Herbalism, Nutrition, Palliative care, spiritual counseling and Naturopathy. And I studied Hypnotherapy (Back in the states, I am WA state licensed hypnotherapist btw!). For many years I specialized in working with depression and anxiety.
Then by the early 2000s I was healing and teaching, teaching and healing. I continued to study and add to my certificates and diplomas, because I love it. I continued to write courses and share my wisdom, because I love it! But I’ve hid a secret…
I’m a natural intuitive. I come from a spooky, woowoo background and hear, see + feel (especially feel) things that others don’t. And I hid it behind the certificates and diplomas.
Even when I decided to come out of the spiritual closet and sparkle, I took a course to become an Angel Card Reader, just so I could prove I had my papers!
I bring all this to my work with you.
All the courses taken, life experience and the magic + woowoo! Let me show you how to sparkle in your own life. My mission is to teach you to fall in love with you.
I believe there is a reason for everything. We usually can’t see it until it is behind us. There is a reason for every course I took, every lesson I learned, every step of the journey. And that’s to empower you to Sparkle in your life.
I don’t just talk about it I do it. I Sparkle. And so can you.
Ready for more?
More of my story, both the quick & easy, and the longer stories.
Hello Darling!
I’m Jacqueline Fairbrass, The Queen of Fabulocity. International Woman of Mystery. And I’m delighted you are here and super excited to get to know each other better.
I’ll go first. In a nutshell for you busy bees…
I am a Dazzling Diva with a Mind like an Encyclopedia and the Best Holistic Life Coach ever!
But it wasn’t always like this! Once upon a time I was a Dreary Depressive. I lived a Chaotic Childhood, survived Turbulent Teens and engaged in Ridiculous Relationships.
By using the Life Lessons I learned I was able to Dump the Meds and Jump Outta Bed!
I learned that Happiness is a Choice, Health is a Choice and you need to fall in love with yourself to Sparkle. And my mission is to teach you too!
I’m known to my clients as ‘Mary Poppins in Stilettos’ because I’m English, am somewhat bossy … oh heck, I’m super bossy (Jacqueline, is Super Nanny your sister? Go to the naughty chair!) but I’m also kind, fair, organized, cheerful and love being of service. I also like shoes, lots of shoes.
Ooh, ooh … and I’m super smart!
I’ve got a whole heap of qualifications in Complementary and Alternative Health Care including being a retired Quebec registered Naturopath + Naturotherapist after 16 years of practice. Phew! Then a WA state Licensed Hypnotherapist. Currently, studying Kundalini Yoga Level 2. Honestly, it’s a Masters in Yoga!
I’m also a gifted intuitive. (I know it’s kinda trendy and everyone is saying it, but in this case it’s absolutely true!)
And… I love, love, love my Christian Louboutins & drink tea as if it were going out of style!
Curious how can I help you? But not sure about laying out some cash, then Sign-Up on the right-hand side of the page to get into the inner circle. You’ll get my Tops Tips to Feeling Absolutely Fabulous along with a Ten Minute Break MP3. My gift to you.
BUT WAIT, Did you say ‘tell me more?’
Let’s get comfy. I’ll grab a quick cup of tea…
Jacqueline Fairbrass was not the name I was born with, well … the Jacqueline (ala francais) is, but the Fairbrass is the name I had when I decided to Sparkle, to choose love and happiness! As feeling absolutely fabulous stuck, so has Fairbrass!
My childhood sucked. I grew up in a toxic abusive home with a mother who had a bunch of mental disorders. Needless to say, I had low self-esteem, was withdrawn and depressed. My first bout with medication was at age 13! Yikes! But by 22 I had thrown my meds down the ‘loo’ (that’s the washroom in the US, bathroom in Canada…and, well you get the idea). Woohoo!
I know what it’s like to be Depressed and Anxious. I know what it’s like to Feel Alone and Inadequate. And I know what it is like to feel Ugly and Useless. I’ve been there and I got out! That is why I help people everyday to Change Your Mind and start Feeling Absolutely Fabulous. Learn to Sparkle in your life. If I can do it, so can you!
I started taking Vitamins, exercising and decided to Sparkle and Choose Happy. I used affirmations, went into talk therapy, studied spirituality. All this led to my turning life around and is culminating in my mission to get you Feeling Absolutely Fabulous. My mission is to empower you so you can sparkle in your own life.
I studied Natural Health, becoming a Master Herbalist, a Reiki Master, double certified Yoga Instructor and a Reflexologist. And even certified in Hypnotherapy. Eventually I became a Naturotherapist/Naturopath so that I could help others while helping myself and my family. I opened a School so that I could teach others. And I became The Happiness Coach. Now Fabulous Coach!
In the meantime, I’ve had 3 husbands (the old adage, 3’s a charm didn’t work for me) and a few lovers. (Enough said, my kids might read this!)
I picked rotten girlfriends and took up with users and abusers. I have been lousy at relationships.
So, I studied, I practiced and I learned how to develop true friendships, healthy relationships. I learned how to love and care for me and not to give myself away in my friendships and love affairs. (Sound familiar?)
And now the greatest thrill in my life (well, apart from getting onto Facetime with my grand-daughters) is to help others learn to Get Healthy and Sparkle.
Back to my mission: The World Health Organization has been telling us for many years that Depression is on the increase + is quickly becoming one of the biggest health problems on the planet. By deciding to Choosing to live Feeling Absolutely Fabulous, we not only change our own lives, but also the lives of those around us. Let’s Dump Depression for good.
Our Mission:
- I NOW Take Charge of MY Life!
- I’m Live Life on MY terms & refuse to be at the mercy of others.
- And, I Think MY Own Thoughts.
- I AM POWERFUL! I have stopped simply singing along with the songs on the radio and started singing my own tunes.
- I’ve made the choice to Choose Happy + Healthy! And I’m feeling absolutely fabulous.
How would you like to Jump Outta Bed each morning; to wake up every morning with happy, positive thoughts?
Are YOU Ready to live life Feeling Absolutely Fabulous?
I have the skills to teach you how to turn your life from Dreary to Dazzling, and we’ll have fun doing it!
Time to Start Feeling Absolutely Fabulous!
Once you have signed-up to Join The Feeling Absolutely Fabulous Happy Fab Group on the upper right-hand side here. You’ll get the occasional tid-bit of info from me to live a holistic life. I promise I won’t spam you. I won’t waste your time. When I write to you, it’s because I’ve something important to share. OK?
Ready for more?
Want to know more about What People Are Saying About Jacqueline? Click and find out.
I know and have proven time and again that gentle change leads to permanent results. ~ Jacqueline Fairbrass
I draw on many years of training, teaching and working with clients all over the globe, to help you develop your own personal wellness program ~ Feeling Absolutely Fabulous. With my personal mentoring approach you set + reach your goals using a variety of tools + techniques. Using a combination of inquiry, reflection + discussion to help you identify personal, wellness or relationship goals together we develop action plans to achieve your mission Feeling Absolutely Fabulous.
Health and Well-being Consulting/Mentoring/Coaching
Health and well-being consulting + coaching has become recognized as a new way to help individuals ‘manage’ existing illnesses and conditions. As well as develop plans for maintaining wellness and well-being. I coach using unique processes and techniques, personal experience, expertise, intuition and encouragement to assist you in making healthy changes in behavior. Gentle change leads to permanent results.
Whether you suffer from depression, sadness, anxiety, have specific phobias, are in ill-health, or you quite simply want to improve your life or your golf game, I know that ‘gentle change leads to permanent results.’ Are you ready to join me in an exciting new way of changing your life to become happy, healthy and in charge of you?
Maintaining your health + wellness has never been so important.
In the US we see soaring insurance costs and in Canada and the UK the waiting time for medical intervention has become ridiculous. We have lost faith in our traditional western medicine system as we are handed prescriptions for medication after medication. It is now time to start caring for your own health and wellness, and for the health and wellness of your family.
My mission for you is to live life Feeling Absolutely Fabulous, an example to others. Teaching your family.
We mostly work together on-line — which is lovely. It allows you to relax, close your eyes and really get in touch with your inner-most self — rather than worrying about finding parking, how you look, or even wondering what I think about your sweater!
Using personalized wellness programs based on Guided Visualization, Hypnotherapy and Cognitive Behavior Modification you are coached and mentored to start life feeling absolutely fabulous. Honestly, if I can do it, so can you! You get to live with higher self-esteem, and a greater sense of worth.
And I’ve got plenty to say about the Diabetes crisis too, and how that ties into Depression and Anxiety.
What are you waiting for, let’s get going…
Specializing in: