Time to rethink our goals and ambitions. Explore whether potential rewards are worth potential consequences. Tarot & Tea, Ace of Earth, Reversed. This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it. Security and safety issues are high-lighted today. We are reminded to weigh the balance and review […]
Fearful of Judgement Makes Us Hold Back our Truth
Holding back our truths. Going against the status-quo. Feeling fearful of rocking the boat. Tarot & Tea, Ace of Air, Reversed. This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it. Hurting ourselves through limitation and restriction, we need to take a time out. Rigid opinions can hold us […]
Choice – Time to Move On, or is it – Tarot & Tea, Choice
Weigh the pros and cons. Choose wisely. Act carefree. Time to move on. Tarot & Tea Choice This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it. We’ve come to a cross roads in life. Which way to go next? Or do we simply choose to not move. Not […]
Cooperation Required Stat – Two of Earth
Balance and cooperation. Keep those priorities to the forefront, but don’t forget to take time out to play and relax. Tarot & Tea, Two of Earth This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it. Have you ever noticed it can be so easy to get wrapped up […]
Slow Down and Take Time to Look After Yourself
I decided to slow down yesterday. I had tea with a colleague. I got my hair done. I had a long lunch with a girlfriend. I puttered over to the post office and the grocery store. No rush, no agenda. I just had a day of slow down. And it was heavenly. As I came […]