Although not a ‘real’ tea, Nettle Tea is tasty and is absolutely fabulous for you if you’ve been under a little (or a lot) of stress recently. Any type of stress depletes our bodies’ health reserves. Nettle Tea puts the oomph right back into life: Increasing energy and helping you sleep better. Adrenal burn-out? Then […]
Has Anxiety got you Holding Your Breath
Have you ever considered getting help for anxiety? Or that someone in your life needs some help with anxiety? If so, you are on the cutting edge of a not so happy health trend. Back in the eighties our attention was drawn to ‘stress’ and stress management became a hot topic. Now we have accelerated […]
Comfort and Food What has Love got to do with it?
Love goes hand-in-hand with comfort and food. If you are ready to get out of the cycle of comfort eating and self-loathing, read-on and get started. Food as a reward. Over the years many clients and students have shared that they learned to comfort themselves by eating as a child. The pattern of comfort eating […]
Eating Made Simple – Nutrition 101
Remember the good old days? When eating used to be simple. As long as the food looked good and tasted good, or at least tasted reasonable, we ate it. No worries or cares. We just ate it and put our thoughts and energy into other things. But things have changed. Science entered the picture. Eating […]
Choose Happy with Drinking Made Easy
Are you feeling blue? Did you start your day with ‘Choose Happy’ and then maybe your mood began swinging up and down during the day? Is your energy level not what it could be? I’ve got a simple little tip for you that you can start straight away. So, let’s Choose Happy and get started… […]