Holistic comes from the Greek word ‘holos’ which means ‘whole’.
In holistic health care we acknowledge that body, mind, spirit and emotion are all integral parts of who we are.
By using the term holistic we are recognizing the whole person; that is every aspect of who we are.
‘You may have heard of the body-mind connection, or even of body, mind and spirit. But I believe there is another component to us that plays a role in making us whole, and that is our ’emotions’.
Don’t believe me?
Think about this:
Have you ever felt so angry that you wanted to explode yet your mind was telling you that you were getting angry for no reason? Or have you ever suddenly felt sad and yet you felt there was nothing to be sad about. This is the emotions.
Now, the emotions have a lot to do with chemicals in the body and they also have a lot to do with the sub-conscious mind. But for the purpose of explaining the holistic approach to health and well-being I use ‘body, mind, spirit and emotions’ to explain the whole person.’ ~ Jacqueline Fairbrass
The photo is Jacqueline Fairbrass, CEO of Feeling Absolutely Fabulous LLC and founder of The School of Complementary Therapies at the burial site of Christian Friedrich Samual Hahnemann (1755 to 1843). Hahnemann, a German physician, is considered the founder of the branch of CAM known as Homeopathy. Homeopathy is a form of energy medicine based on the premise that healing proceeds through similarity and that treatments should be able to produce symptoms in healthy people similar to those of the diseases they treat. Homeopathic remedies are so highly diluted that only the ‘vibration’ of the original herbal basis is present. Hanhnemann is entombed in a mausoleum at Paris’ Pere Lachaise cemetery.