We all want the best from life. I have the tools to help you. Hypnotherapy + coaching will guide you through change. You will see life more clearly. And you’ll learn to relax and trust your inner guidance.
Need help with health issues? Stuck with making life decisions? We all need help at times.
Since 1993 I’ve been helping people overcome Anxiety, Fears and Phobias.
I’m also able to help you sleep better, improve performance: exams, learning, sports etc., quit habits that no longer serve you. And you will learn how to assess options in a relaxed and confident way.
Your self-esteem and confidence grows as we work together.
So, we begin with an intake, which takes 1.5 hours. You’ll receive paperwork beforehand, and we’ll jump straight in.
Then sessions are usually one hour, but can also be adjusted to half-hourly, dependent on your personal needs.
Also, there’s no cookie-cutter formula for all my clients. Each one is unique, and therefore so is our time together. You will have a personalized and unique experience.
So, I cannot guarantee a time-frame. It’s personal. However, when you put effort into your health + wellness, you will quickly see positive changes:
Hypnotherapy and coaching is enhanced by behavior modification exercises. You will learn how to make changes that improve your quality of life.
Using audio Hypnotherapy at home may also be a requirement.
If a personal hypnotherapy recording is required, I can do that for you easily in my home studio.
More information about Using Hypnotherapy to Heal, click here.
On the fence? I’m happy to have a phone consultation to discuss your personal requirements. Email for an appointment jf@jacquelinefairbrass.com
Hypnotherapy + Coaching Locations
Consultations + sessions are available world-wide using tele-medicine. I use the HIPAA approved doxy.me for safe, secure one-on-one sessions. For more info or to book please email me.
Jacqueline Fairbrass