Be generous. Put love first. Make time for what you love. Take love. Give love. Be open to both sides, giving and receiving. Tarot & Tea, XV Abundance.
This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it.
If we want more love in our lives, we have to do the things we love. Be with the people we love. Be generous in spirit and nature. Focus on enjoying the moment and what you are doing now. Be present. And more will flow to you.
Love isn’t necessarily romance. But of course, it can be. But how about looking at what you love the most in your life and applying that love consciously. Is it your business or daily work? Be supportive of others and be generous to your clients and customers. Give them a reason to come back to you.
Abundance also speaks to how we treat ourselves.
Are you nurturing your body and health with wholesome foods, appropriate movement and rest? Give up the idea of diet plans and forcing your body to be an ideal that’s never achievable. Nurture your body with wholesome, healthy foods. Move.
Don’t force an exercise regime, but move your body in a way that brings you joy. I like to do yoga, to walk and to dance. Going to the gym is sheer punishment, for me, so I don’t do it. What movement brings you joy? Do some of that! Often.
Be generous.
That’s true abundance. Enjoying life, living knowing that we get to choose our happiness.
Don’t believe me? Try this. Close your eyes for a moment and take a few long, slow, deep breaths. Then think about the happiest day in your life. Imagine the people you were with. The feelings of joy. Even the aromas around you. The warmth or coolness of the time of day. The light in the air. Take a few moments to just be in that feel good place. Then, open your eyes. You feel happier! Lighter! More abundant.
And yes, we may be thinking of a time past, and even of loved ones who have passed. It can be sad, but the joy is always there to tap into. Tap into the joy.
Today’s tea to match the energy of Abundance is Bramble Cottage black tea. Abundant blackberry bushes share their magical energy, along with the amazing proclivity of tea leaves, yummy vanilla and fragrant roses. And it’s a dream come true for me. My very own tea that I get to share with you. It’s my birthday today, and I’m sitting sipping my own tea blend, and sharing with you! How does it get any better than this? I’m basking in abundance. Do join me.
(Link to buy Bramble Cottage tea below. Go on, treat yourself. You deserve it.)
Let go of worry and step into faith. The bills will get paid. The money will come for the things you most desire. Don’t sit there waiting for it to come to you. Go out and make it happen. Start with faith in abundance.
Much love,
Ready to bring more Abundance into your life? Contact me to get started.
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