Wanting change isn’t enough. Looking at the reality of our wishes and wants. Tarot & Tea, XX Desire This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it. What do you want, and how much do you want it? Desire is the drive that inspires us to act. […]
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
When Tarot & Tea reveals Ace of Air we are encouraged to make changes. Change your mind. Gentle change leads to permanent results. This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it. Today we get to question our path in life, our ideologies and our beliefs. Whew, […]
Emotional Honesty – Trust Your Feelings – Tarot & Tea
Look below the surface and see what’s really going on. Tarot & Tea, XIII, Queen of Water. Listen to the whispers of your heart. This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it. Take heart, Dear Heart, and know that bright times are on the horizon. Queen […]
Wanna Know a Secret?
Here’s the diet secret scoop: Diet’s Don’t Work! Argh! Diets don’t work. What? You knew it? Then why do you keep dieting? Diets don’t work. We know it. We hear it all the time now. But we still look to find the perfect ‘diet’. I have decided that it’s time we took back the word […]