If you’ve been paying any attention to the news over the last couple of years, you’ll know that our food supplies have been compromised in ways beyond our imagination. It’s time for less processed food.
Part Two of Family Wellness ~ An Adventure in Food Begins
Little did I know, when I started my journey to get rid of processed foods in our home in 1985, that I was blazing a trail.
Now we are seeing a trend to more healthy living. People are shopping at the local farmers’ market to get their meat and eggs from animals raised in a healthy environment. We are more conscious of additives, especially the ghastly and unnecessary artificial colors and flavors. We choose less processed foods…or do we?
Back in the late 80s and early 90s there was very little in the way of boxed foods in the health food store. Now, every supermarket and every seeming healthy food shop has rows of processed foods. Apparently made from better quality food, non GMO, without preservatives, colorants and artificial flavors.
Buyer Beware!
Food is a multi-billion dollar business and the guys making the crap in the 90s are still making crap now. What is known as Green Labeling is a huge industry and don’t for one minute think you are being cared for by the FDA and the food producers.
We are simply being fed a bunch of lies. And what’s horrendous is that most people are totally unaware.
Our food supplies are so compromised as to be downright dangerous. Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs) are not some science fiction idea any longer. GMO food has been altered at its most basic. Our food is not manufactured in a kitchen. It’s manufactured in a laboratory.
Let’s begin at the beginning: By altering the seed that grows the plant Monsanto has made a huge business, but at what cost?
The altered seed is unnatural and produces a compromised plant. The seeds produce a plant that cannot reproduce. The result is that the farmer has to buy new seeds each year. More money for Monsanto. And…the natural strong and healthy strains of plants no longer exist.
The harvest of this compromised plant may contain the chemical nutrients we need to live. But our bodies just do not metabolize them in the same way. They lack an element of life force energy. What does that mean?
It means we have all the chemical knowledge to build an orange in a laboratory, but we just can’t do it. Why? We can’t imbue a laboratory or man-made orange with life force energy.
So, laboratory produced, processed food is dead. When we eat dead food we are not getting the nutrients we need.Our bodies crave the nutrients.
So, we over eat.
Next time I’ll explain how: At all levels major food supplies are processed food. And start exploring how we can stop eating processed foods.
It’s heartbreaking. And you cannot be nourished by food that is so unhealthy. It’s not just the sugar, additives and addiction to junk food that is creating our obesity crisis.
I’d love to share more with you. I have tons of tips on how to nourish your family wellness: body, mind, spirit and emotions, while keeping it easy and light.
Sign-up (scroll up and over on the right) to receive my email tips and updates. Let me help you and your family through an Adventure in Food. No more Processed Food!
Lana says
Jacqueline this is such important information. Thank you for simplifying it for the consumer, including me. I am looking so forward to your next installment as you describe the HOW. I am also grateful to have access to a farmer’s market in my community.
Jacqueline Fairbrass says
Farmers’ markets are the best! You are already started and on your way. Yippee!!!
Christine says
Yes, this is such a scary concept. Moving to America a few years ago, I was shocked to see the things you call food, even in the so called green and healthy stores. Just because some ingredients are organic, the product is still processed made in a factory! Looking forward to continue reading!
Jacqueline Fairbrass says
I’m new to the US too. Arrived 5 years ago from the UK via Canada…and I had an American girlfriend warn me, but still had no idea of how much processed so-called food is the norm here. I’m astounded by the lack of knowledge and education in nutrition. Getting on my soapbox!
amy says
I am doing my best to eat more healthy…… it’s hard when you’re single and live alone to plan and make good meals every night. But I am trying to get in the habit of making larger meals and freezing them for later in the month!!
Jacqueline Fairbrass says
I’m a great fan of the slow cooker and the freezer. I was single for 10 years, albeit some of that as a single mom, and I was in the habit of cooking for a family. So I never let it go and always batch cooked. If you enjoy the food prep, take some time each Sunday to plan for the week and make some things to keep in the fridge. One of my stand-bys is brown rice. Cook it up and heat it up with veggies, cheese, whatever is around. That way, I always have fast food!