Our lives have been strange. Not in the strange and wonderful way, but in the absurd way. I was chilling with my tea, as I do each morning. And I took a moment to scroll my Facebook feed. I say ‘MY feed’, but in reality we know that it’s a FB allotted feed. What with […]
Tame Anxiety with the 7 Step Challenge
Continuing our battle against the nightmare of Anxiety and Depression. It’s Step Two of my Seven Step Challenge to Tame the Inner Beast and Overcome Anxiety. (Tame anxiety and depression too!) You are more than likely aware of the role Anxiety is playing in modern life. But did you know that as little as twelve years […]
Put the Magic Back in Life
Anxiety and Depression are becoming a major part of many people’s lives. And it isn’t about to stop anytime soon. We are being bombarded with news stories, politics and more. Never before have we had access to so much information. And we aren’t adapting very well at all. I’m not suggesting we get rid of […]
Has Anxiety got you Holding Your Breath
Have you ever considered getting help for anxiety? Or that someone in your life needs some help with anxiety? If so, you are on the cutting edge of a not so happy health trend. Back in the eighties our attention was drawn to ‘stress’ and stress management became a hot topic. Now we have accelerated […]
Comfort and Food What has Love got to do with it?
Love goes hand-in-hand with comfort and food. If you are ready to get out of the cycle of comfort eating and self-loathing, read-on and get started. Food as a reward. Over the years many clients and students have shared that they learned to comfort themselves by eating as a child. The pattern of comfort eating […]