Queen of Fire and Ace of Earth combine to make this week start with a bang. Both powerful action cards, but the two of them together can encourage a rigid approach. Be aware of where you may be stuck, and make some changes in direction. Ace of Earth brings positive change to our lives. Queen […]
Hero Reversed Holds Up the Mirror
Be merciful and kind to yourself and forgive yourself. Let go of the past. Show compassion from the heart to you. Tarot & Tea, XII of Fire, The Hero Reversed. This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it. Check your self-blame at the door. The Hero Reversed comes to […]
Grateful for Now as we Choose to be Present
The past can’t be changed, so there’s no point in dwelling on it. Look up. Look forward. Move on. Tarot & Tea, XI Healing. This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most it. It’s time to let go of regrets. Release the old. Let’s choose where we put […]
Serenity Soothes Our Frazzled Emotions
The weight of past conflicts lifts and we are blessed with serenity. Tarot & Tea, Ten of Air This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it. Smile often and share joy. Lift the spirits of others and see you own spirits lift and soar. Keep the […]
Divine Healing Begins With Us – Connect and Heal
Heal the world. Start with self. Come to balance. Tarot & Tea, Eleven of Fire, Masculine/Feminine. Remember your connection to the divine. This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it. Like flames of a fire, flickering and dancing, we are called to heal the rift between […]