Heal the world. Start with self. Come to balance. Tarot & Tea, Eleven of Fire, Masculine/Feminine. Remember your connection to the divine.
This is the energy of the day, and how to embrace and make the most of it.
Like flames of a fire, flickering and dancing, we are called to heal the rift between the masculine and feminine aspects of our being. We are all made of star dust. Get enthusiastic about healing.
Did you notice that this is the third time this month that Eleven of Fire has been our card of the day? Hmmm…what are we needing to hear over and over again?
It’s a time for going within. A time to embrace both the light and shadow aspects of ourselves. To embrace our Yin and Yang. We can no longer put gender roles into little boxes. It’s time to leave that behind. Our time now is to embrace the whole. Both masculine and feminine traits reside in us. Finding the balance is the key to our healing journey.
Enthusiastic peace. Dynamic healing. Fabulous calm. All embraced by Eleven of Fire.
We look within to heal our own fears and prejudices. Once we are in balance, peace and harmony within ourselves, then we can take that healing into the world. Don’t’ buy into the ‘us and them’ stories. There is no us and them. There is only us. We are all from the same divine source.
Connect with the divine today. Whether you pray, meditate or contemplate. Go to Church. Light a candle. Walk in nature. Snuggle under a blanket with your pet or your stuffy. Take a time out to get connected. To feel God/Goddess, or as I like to call it, The Great Goodness. You have to slow down and take time to feel this. That’s how to balance the masculine and feminine aspects within.
Red tea with vanilla recommended for our teacups today. Bold red tea brings the masculine fire to melt into a heavenly blend with the lush depths of vanilla. Isn’t it interesting that what appear to be opposites are delightful when melded together? Where else in life is this showing up for you. Pull out your journal and write.
Let your day be blessed with dynamic healing from the divine. So mote it be.
Thank you to Ravynne Phelan for permission to use her Dreams of Gaia Tarot
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